
執行項目 Project:主視覺設計、海報設計、燈箱設計
合作客戶 Client:台灣康貝股份有限公司
製作統籌 Creative Agency:斯邁創意

台灣康貝 海報設計

「擁抱」就是幸福的力量 Combi 產品的理念是由「懷抱」而來。 養育小孩子成長,是一件令人感到快樂幸福的事情。Combi產品最先考慮的是希望能夠將父母的信賴由內心傳達給寶寶。為了讓顧客安心使用 Combi的產品,我們除了有嚴格的品質管理外,並聽取了不同育兒專家的專業意見,希望讓寶寶得到更多的愛和關心,幫助媽媽減輕育兒負擔,真正享受到育兒帶來的樂趣。 「細心呵護,把最好的都給寶寶」 此款海報設計傳達每位父母對寶寶無限的愛,想把最好的一切都給他們,另一種意念表達的是寶寶在媽媽懷抱裡的安全舒適感,這不僅僅展現出品牌的獨特功能,更能吸引消費者的青睞。

"Hugging" is the power of happiness. The idea of Combi products come from "Hugging". It is a joyful and happy experience to raise children and see them grow up. The first thing Combi products considered is for parents to express their faith and hope to their baby. In order for customers to feel safe using Combi products, Combi not only has rigid quality control process, but we have also listened to the professional opinions of different parenting specialists. So that the baby will always have parents’ best love and care. Combi products also help mother by taking the stress off her shoulder from taking care of her beloved child and she will be able to truly enjoy pleasant moments with her baby. "Giving your baby the best from your tender and cherished care " The design of this poster conveys a message that every parents have unlimited love for their baby, and want to give them all the best things in the world. Another message to convey is safety and comfort of the babies in the bosoms of their mothers. The poster has demonstrated these ideas in the design and the unique function of the products in this branding ideas is also included to make it more attractive to consumers.

台灣康貝 車站海報