
執行項目 Project:風格規劃、視覺設計、系列企劃
合作客戶 Client:臺灣威瑪舒培有限公司
製作統籌 Creative Agency:斯邁創意


此款視覺設計,以系列稿的方式,為威瑪舒培三項主打產品設計具記憶點與品牌印象的主視覺, 大方簡潔的版面設計,我們運用身體部位的對比,清楚帶出消費者在使用產品後的舒適與改善, 除了能讓受眾一眼就看出產品功能外,搭配巧妙的文案設計,使受眾會心一笑,引起共鳴。

We designed a series KV for 3 main products of Willmar Schwabe. And hope it can get strong image and impression from audiences about the brand. The layout of the design keeps simple and elegant. We use parts of the body comparatively in order to present the comfort and improve feeling when customers used the product of Willmar Schwabe. Audiences can realize the feature of the products immediately, furthermore they can get the humor of the text and arouses the their’ sympathy.